

No More Anxiety With Sedation Dentistry

We often think of sedation dentistry as a service that is only for patients with dental anxiety. While it is true that oral or IV sedation can alleviate a great deal of dental fear, making your visit relaxed and peaceful, not every patient who requests sedation dentistry suffers from extreme dental fear. There are other practical reasons to visit a sedation dentist. Procedures that are complex in nature, such as the removal of impacted wisdom teeth, or those that may cause discomfort due to tooth sensitivity, such as osseous bone surgery, may be better tolerated with sedation dentistry.

Should You Request Sedation?

  • Do you have a fear of needles?
  • Do you feel anxiety in the dentist’s chair?
  • Are your teeth sensitive?
  • Do you need complex or extensive dental work?
  • Are you anxious when you hear the sound of a dental drill?

If you answer yes to any of the above questions, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Hapak to determine if you are a candidate for periodontal treatment using sedation dentistry. Dr. Hapak offers several methods of sedation to curb dental anxiety, including nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and IV conscious sedation.